Sabtu, 06 Juli 2013


Definition of Management Information

Information management is the management of the data which also includes the process of searching, compiling, classifying, and presents a variety of data related to the activities of the company so that it can be used as basis for decision making by management.

System :

• The system is a way that previously established for non-run an activity or set of activities that are usually performed by repeatedly
• System Characteristics:
- Rhythmic
- Coordinated
- To achieve a certain goal
• Many of the actions are not systematic mgt (best consideration)
- If the entire system ensures the correct action is not necessary à human manager

Management Information Systems

A system and a method involving an organized effort in performing the function of data collection (both data-dataa from inside and outside the company) as well as using computer data that has been collected earlier processed to produce and present the information current, accurate and fast to decision management decisions.

Components in Management Information Systems :

• Data processing system (data processing system)
• Management reporting system (management reporting system)
• Decision support systems (decision support system)
• Office automation systems (office automation system)
• Intelligent systems (expert systems).


Scientific management, or in English is called scientific management, first popularized by Frederick Winslow Taylor in his book Principles of Scientific Management in 1911. In his book, Taylor describes scientific management is "the use of scientific methods to determine the best way to complete a job." Some writers like Stephen Robbins considers the publication of this book as the year of the birth of modern management theory.

The idea of ​​using the scientific method emerged when Taylor was not satisfied with ketidakefesienan workers in his company. Ketidakefesienan that arise because they use a variety of different techniques for the same job, there's hardly a standard work there. In addition, workers tend to assume an easy job. Taylor argues that the results of these workers is only a third of it should be. Taylor then, for 20 years, trying hard to correct the situation by applying the scientific method to find a "best technique" in completing each job.

Based on his experience, he makes a clear guidance on how to improve production efficiency. These guidelines are:

    Develop a science for each element of a person's job, which will replace the old method is speculative.
    Scientifically, select and then train, teach, or develop them workers.
    Work in earnest with the workers untu ensure that all work is performed in accordance with the principles of science that has been developed earlier.
    Divide work and responsibility almost equally between management and workers. Management takes over all the work that is more suitable for him than for workers.

These guidelines change drastically when the management mindset. If previous workers choose their own work and trained himself as best they, Taylor proposed management that must choose work and practice. Management also advised to take over a job that does not comply with the workers, especially the planning, organizing, and controlling. This is in contrast to previous thinking in which pekerjalah who perform the task.

Scientific management then further developed by the husband and wife Frank and Lillian Gilbreth. Both were interested in the idea of ​​Taylor after his speech at a meeting listening to a professional. Gilbreth family managed to create mikronometer that can record every movement made by the workers and the length of time spent to perform each movement. Futile gesture which was observed by the naked eye can be identified with this tool, and then removed. Family Gilbreth also devised a classification scheme for naming seventeen basic hand movements (such as searching, grasping, holding) they call therbligs (on behalf of their families, Gilbreth, who spelled backwards with th letters anyway). The scheme allows the Gilbreth family in a more precise analysis of the elements of each movement of the hands of workers.

Scheme that they get from their observations on how the preparation of bricks. Previously, Frank worked as a building contractor who found that a worker did 18 motion for laying bricks for the exterior and 18 interior motion also for. Through research, he removes movements unnecessary so that the necessary action to put the brick exterior was reduced from 18 to 5 motion movement. As for the interior brick, it reduced drastically from 18 up to 2 motion movement alone. By using techniques Gilbreth, raw builders can be more productive and reduced fatigue at the end of the day.

Scientific management theory is the inception of modern management theory. Management theory is made to determine the best way to complete a job that can make workers more productive, thereby reducing the things that do not need to be done during the work. This theory set the standard for the workers so that the workers can produce things as expected by the company. This theory has been studied for 20 years so that research results suitable for use as a reference for the company to the present. In scientific management, management demanded a leading role for the work and then choose the train. Management also advised to take over a job that does not comply with the workers, especially the planning, organizing, and controlling.

Classical Management Theory

Classical Theory of Flow Management principles. Preliminary once management science arising from the industrial revolution in England in the century thinker 18. Thinkers attention to management issues that arise both in the business community, industry and the community. There are two figures that started the management of this classical management theory, namely:

        1) Robert Owen (1771 -1858)

Starting in the early 1800s as a Cotton Spinning Plant Manager at New Lanark, Scotland. Robert Owen devoted to pengginaan production factor labor. Of observations concluded that, when the machine was held a good perawtan will provide benefits to the company, as well as labor, if labor was treated dams maintained (the attention up compensation, kesahatan, allowance) goes on to say that the quantity and quality of work influenced by the Personnel Management seabagai She also co-founder of the cooperative movement consumption, while the attempt was made and failed a communion is established in New Harmony, Indian in 1824.

         2) Henry Fayol (1841 -1925)

In 1916, as the classical management theory is very concerned about the productivity of factories and workers, in addition to pay attention to the management of complex organizations, so he was showing one method of teaching management is more intact in the form of blueprints.

Fayol managers believe success is not only determined by the quality of his own, but because of the use of appropriate management methods.

The greatest contribution of Fayol form views on the management of intelligence is not merely personal, but rather is a skill that can be taught to understand the principles of basic and general theories that have been formulated. Fayol company's activities and operations divide into 6 kinds of activities:

a. Technical (production) that is trying to produce and create goods production.

b. Trade (Buy, Sell, Exchange) to hold between the purchase of raw materials and selling produce.

c. Finance (search and optimum use of capital) to acquire and use capital.

d. Security (protection of property prices and human) in the form of protecting workers and wealth goods companies.

e. With accounting records and bookkeeping expenses, debt, profit and balance sheet, as well as a variety of statistical data.

Jumat, 05 Juli 2013

Koobar the Koala and Water (Short Story)

Long ago, there was a young orphan boy named Koobar. He lived with his relatives in a dry country where water was seldom ound. His relatives ill-treated him and never gave him enough water. Koobar was always thirsty. One day, when his relatives went out, Koobar drank all the water and not even a single drop was left. “Oh no! My relatives will come and beat me!” he thou Koobar hit upon a plan. He quickly climbed a tall pine tree with all the buckets and sat there waiting for his relatives. Once they arrived and noticed that there was no water, they called out for Koobar.

“There he is, hiding behind the branches on the pine tree!” cried one. “Come down or else we shall thrash you!” threatened another relative. They quickly climbed the tree and dragged Koobar to the ground. Then they beat him up with sticks. As tears rolled down his cheeks, the young boy prayed to God. Suddenly, he was transformed into a koala bear. Everybody was startled. Then Koobar announced, “From now on, if you cause any harm to me, I shall weave my magic charm and dry up all the water and you shall die of thirst!” That is why Koala bears are loved so much because everyone is scared that they might dry up all the water. the Koala and Water

Direct-Indirect Speech from story of Koobar the Koala and Water:
Oh no! My relatives will come and beat me!” He said. He said that his relatives would come and beat him.

Management As A Science And As An Art

Management is a science and art, why so named because the two can not be separated. Management as a science, because it has been studied for a long time, and have been organized into a theory. This is because in it describes the management of symptoms, these symptoms are then examined using the scientific method that is encapsulated in the principles manifested in the form of a theory.

Management as an art medium, here the view that in the work necessary to achieve a goal together with others, how well ordered the others to cooperate. By the very nature of human activity in general is managing (set), here is needed to set up an art, how other people do the work to achieve a common goal.

Kamis, 04 Juli 2013

Present Perfect

1.      (+) I have heared the bad news
(-) I haven’t heared the bad news
            (?) Have you heared the bad news?
           2.      (+) She has drunk a glass of coffee
(-) She hasn’t drunk a glass of coffee
            (?) Has she drunk a glass of coffee?
3.      (+) He has written a letter
                   (-) He has not written a letter
                   (?) Has he written a letter?
4.      (+) She has bought a book
                   (-) She hasn’t bought a book
                   (?) Has she bought a book?
5.      (+) He has brought the bag
(-) He hasn’t brought the bag
(?) Has he brought the bag?
6.      (+) I have eaten a bowl of soup today
(-) I haven’t eaten a bowl of soup today
            (?) Have you drunk a bowl of soup today?
7.     (+) They have played football this afternoon
(-) They haven’t played football this afternoon
(?) Have they played football this afternoon?
8.      (+) He has taken some picture at there
 (-) He hasn’t taken some picture at there
             (?) Has he taken some picture at there?
9.      (+) She has gone to the market
             (-) She has not gone to the market
             (?) Has she gone to the market?
10.    (+) She has helped her mother
              (-) She has not helped her mother
              (?) Has she helped her mother?

1.      (+) She has been sick for 2 days
 (-) She hasn’t been sick for 2 days
 (?) Has she been sick for 2 days?
2.      (+) He has been a pilot for 2 years
 (-) He has not been a pilot for 2 years
 (?) Has he been a pilot for 2 years?
3.       (+) Dina has been a nice person
 (-) Dina has not been a nice person
 (?) Has Dina been a nice person?
4.       (+) Nina has been a nurse since 4 years ago
 (-) Nina has not been a nurse since 4 years ago
 (?) Has Nina been a nurse since 4 years ago?
5.       (+) He has been a lazy boy
 (-)  He has not been a lazy boy
 (?)  Has he been a lazy boy?
6.       (+) Budi has been student at school for 3 hours
 (-)  Budi has not been at school for 3 hours
 (?) Has Budi been at school for 3 hours?
7.       (+) Bayu has been a student at Gunadarma University since 2010
 (-)  Bayu has not been a student at Gunadarma University since 2010
 (?)  Has Bayu been a student at Gunadarma University since 2010?
8.       (+) Mia has been a cute girl
 (-)  Mia has not been a cute girl
 (?)  Has Mia been a cute girl?
9.       (+)  He has been a policeman
 (-) He has not been a policeman
 (?) Has he been a policeman?
10.    (+) She has been a smart girl
 (-) She has not been a smart girl
 (?) Has she been a smart girl?

Penerapan Ilmu Manajemen Dalam Bisnis

  Unsur keputusan yang cepat dan cerdas dalam inovasi manajemen sering berperan membantu perusahaan mengembangkan keunggulan yang bertahan lama. Tampaknya  tak ada faktor yang mencerminkan instrumen yang sama dalam menjamin keberhasilan persaingan jangka panjang. Artinya setiap perusahaan memiliki inovasi manajemen dengan teknik dan keunggulannya masing-masing. Hal ini sangat berkait dengan kemampuan analisis keputusan yang di dalam ilmu manajemen disebut sebagai manajemen operasi.

  Suatu inovasi manajemen cenderung menghasilkan keunggulan kompetitif ketika satu atau lebih dari tiga syarat dipenuhi. Yang pertama adalah inovasi didasarkan pada prinsip manajemen baru dengan meninggalkan sisi-sisi yang orthodox; kedua bahwa inovasi merupakan suatu proses yang sistemik dari suatu proses dan metode yang digunakan; dan ketiga, inovasi merupakan bagian dari suatu program invensi jangka panjang yang tak pernah berhenti. Kemudian peran karyawan (sumberdaya manusia) sebagai inovator sekaligus agen pembaharu menjadi sangat penting dalam menciptakan keunggulan. Dalam hal ini  peranan budaya kerja dan budaya inovasi sangat strategis.  Peran ilmu manajemen sumberdaya manusia, perilaku oganisasi, dan budaya organisasi tampaknya sangat efektif ketika perusahaan akan mengembangkan inovasi manajemennya.

  Dalam konteks pengembangan bisnis, diperlukan pembentukan paradigma kolektif. Semua satu bahasa, satu langkah, dan satu tujuan. Paradigma kerja ditampilkan ke permukaan dan diterjemahkan oleh semua pelaku bisnis dalam perusahaan. Dengan paradigma dapat dicegah terjadinya kerugian-kerugian perusahaan melalui pendekatan kerja yang efisien. Pola kerja yang  sinergis antarunit di perusahaan dibentuk lewat sistem koordinasi yang efektif. Karena itulah sebaiknya pihak manajemen memiliki kemampuan dan pengalaman dalam menerapkan praktek-praktek ilmu organisasi pembelajaran dan manajemen pengetahuan.

   Perusahaan seharusnya merumuskan standar yang fleksibel dan bervariasi dalam hal pendekatan perubahan dan pemberian penghargaan kepada karyawan yang inovatif. Selain itu perusahaan harus juga mendengarkan kritik para pelanggan untuk bahan penyusunan perubahan yang dikehendaki para pelanggan. Umumnya suatu perusahaan, dalam kondisi persaingan tinggi, dengan kemampuan perubahan yang besar akan sangat mungkin memuaskan, bertahan dan memberi daya tarik kepada  para pelanggan. Disinilah pengetahuan pihak manajemen yang menyangkut manajemen pemasaran dan perilaku konsumen sangatlah penting.

  Sementara itu bisnis secara berkeberlanjutan  merefleksikan terjadinya saling kebergantungan dengan beragam aspek unsur manusia. Pertumbuhan ekonomi adalah penting bagi kemanfaatan individu dan masyarakat keseluruhan. Namun jangan melupakan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan seperti kehidupan keluarga, perkembangan intelektual, moral, dan pengembangan spirit. Mengapa? Karena  bisnis yang berdimensi berkelanjutan mengandung arti bahwa pada setiap upaya mencapai tujuannya baru akan berhasil jika ada pelanggan atau konsumen yang aktif. Dengan demikian agar bisnis bisa hidup berkembang maka ia harus berorientasi pula pada kepentingan aspirasi ekonomi dan non-ekonomi masyarakat atau kepedulian kepada aspek  sosial dan lingkungan. Lebih jauh dikenal dengan istilah tanggung jawab sosial korporat. Tidak ayal lagi untuk itu kemampuam manajemen yang dibutuhkan bukan saja dalam dimensi ketrampilan manajerial tetapi juga yang menyangkut penguasaan ilmu humaniora dan politik.


*Add the question tag at the end of the following
1. They want to come, won’t they?
2. They won’t be here, will they?
3. He has learned a lot in the last couple of years,
hasn’t he?
4. She has not in car, has she?
5. Joan can’t come with us, can he?
6. Those aren’t your books, are they?
7. Everyone can learn how to play the violin, didn’t
8. Something is wrong with you today, isn’t it?
9. Nothing is wrong, is it?
10. She went to the campus yesterday, didn’t she?
11. You had a good time last week, hadn’t you?
12. You should leave for the airport by six, don’t you?
13. She doesn’t have cats, does she?
14. Nobody has told you the secret, did they?
15. I am right, aren’t I?
16. Let’s study English, shall we?
17. He is never late to class, is he?
18. Your parents haven’t arrived yet, are they?
19. Class ends at 11.00, isn’t it?
20. Mala sat next to Ria last meeting, aren’t they?

Rabu, 03 Juli 2013

Perencanaan dan Tingkat Manajemen

Manajemen adalah puncak dari suatu organisasi, mempunyai tanggung jawab utama untuk melihat apakah perencanaan sudah dilaksanakan atau tidak. Walaupun semua tingkat manajemen terlibat dalam proses perencanaan, manajemen tingkat atas biasanya menggunakan waktu perencanaan yang lebih banyak dibandingkan manajemen tingkat bawah. Manajemen tingkat bawah biasanya lebih terlibat dengan kegiatan operesional dan organisasi, dan karenanya mempunyai waktu lebih sedikit dalam proses perencanaan dibanding dengan manajemen tingkat atas. Manajemen menengah biasanya menggunakan waktu lebih sedikit dibanding manajemen tingkat atas.

A.   Langkah-Langkah Dalam Proses Perencanaan

Proses perencanaan mengandung enam langkah, yaitu :

Ø   Menyatakan Tujuan Organisasi

   Suatu pernyataan tujuan yang jelas perlu, bagi dimulainya suatu perencanaan, karena perencanaan dipusatkan pada bagaimana sistem manajemen akan mencapai tujuan tersebut.

Ø   Memilih Berbagai Cara Alternatif Untuk Mencapai Tujuan

   Tujuan organisasional dinyatakan dengan jelas, wirausahawan hendaknya memuat sebanyak mungkin alternatif yang tersedia untuk mencapai tujuan tsb.

Ø   Mengembangkan Premis Yang Menjadi Dasar Alternatif

   Kelayakan penggunaan setiap alternatif untuk mencapai tujuan organisasional ditentukan dengan premis atau asumsi atsa mana alternatif tersebut didasarkan.

Ø   Memilih Alternatif Terbaik Untuk Mencapai Tujuan

   Suatu evaluasi alternative harus memasukkan evaluasi premis atas mana alternative tersebut didasarkan.

Ø   Pengembangan Rencana Berdasarkan Alternatif Yang Dipilih

   Sesudah alternative dipilih, wirausahawan sesungguhnya mulai mengembangkan rencana-rencananya.

Ø   Memfungsikan Rencana-Rencana ke dalam Tindakan-tindakan

   Sekali rencana telah dikembangkan, rencana tersebut siap difungsikan ke dalam tindakan-tindakan.